Segment & Tagging

Hi guys,

Two features we really need.

1. List Segmenting
2. Tagging on an action

List Segmenting - Many times I'll mail in the morning and then mail a different email to the people who did not open. Right now I can look at the report and filter it by Unread but my only option is to export.... if you had a "Create A Segment" or even just a "Mail To Segment or Filter" that would be awesome.

Tagging on an action or event

I'd love to be able to "Tag" a subscriber if they click on a link or visit a page....for example a webinar registration....then I could add them to a Segment (#1 above) and get them in a different autoresponder

I've seen a few posts here that some of this may be added in the future. I would love some features like this.

Thanks for all your work!

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